Sports Board

Vision: To foster a culture of excellence, sportsmanship, and holistic development through a comprehensive sports program that supports and enhances the educational experience of our college community.


  1. Promote physical fitness, teamwork, leadership, and character development among students through a diverse range of sports.
  2. Provide opportunities for students to excel in various sports at local, regional, and national levels.
  3. Create an inclusive and supportive environment that encourages participation in sports for all students, irrespective of skill levels.
  4. Establish strong ties with the community and industry partners to enhance sports infrastructure, coaching, and exposure for our athletes.
  5. Develop a sense of pride and school spirit through successful athletic programs and achievements.

Board Members: The Sports Department will be overseen by a dedicated board comprising the following members:

  1. President: Responsible for the overall management and strategic direction of the sports department.
  2. Secretary: Coordinates and oversees day-to-day operations, including scheduling, facilities, and event management.
  3. Joint Secretory: Manages the budget, financial planning, and allocation of resources for the sports department.
  4. Teacher Representatives as Sports/Game Incharge: One representative per major sport, responsible for liaising between coaches, athletes, and the board.
  5. Student-Athlete Representative: Elected student representative to voice the concerns and interests of the student-athlete community.

Rules and Regulations:

  1. Eligibility and Participation:
    • All students must meet academic eligibility requirements and AIU Guidelines to participate in sports in Intercollegiate Competitions and Universities Games.
    • Athletes must attend a minimum percentage of practices to maintain eligibility.
  2. Sportsmanship and Code of Conduct:
    • Strict adherence to fair play, respect for opponents, officials, and teammates.
    • Consequences for unsportsmanlike conduct, including suspension or expulsion.
  3. Facilities Usage:
    • Rules for scheduling and prioritizing facility usage.
    • Guidelines for maintaining and preserving sports facilities.
  4. Uniforms and Equipment:
    • Standards for uniform usage and care.
    • Guidelines for the distribution, return, and replacement of equipment.
  5. Anti-Discrimination and Inclusion:
    • Commitment to providing equal opportunities for all students, irrespective of gender, race, or background.
    • Strict policies against discrimination and harassment.

Budget Allocation:

  • Transparent allocation of funds for all the sports events organization.
  • Budget categories include venue rental, equipment, awards, transportation, and hospitality.

Annual Sports Day Function:

  1. Event Planning:
    • Formation of an organizing committee comprising students, faculty, and staff.
    • Clear timeline for planning, coordination, and execution of the event.
  2. Awards and Recognition:
    • Criteria for sports awards, including MVP, Best Team, and Sportsmanship awards.