1. Academic calendars of C.S.J.M. University, Kanpur and P.P.N. P.G. College, Kanpur

The college prepares its own academic calendar in the beginning of each academic session in accordance with the university calendar. The Internal quality Assurance cell is responsible for the planning of the academic calendar. The Academic calendar is judiciously structured to make maximum utilization of working days. The calendar is planned so, as to include all the necessary aspects of teaching-learning activities. Details of holidays is also provided to help faculty plan their academic activities. Equal weightage is given to co- curricular and extension activities along with national festivals, birth/death anniversaries and awareness programs. Please click the following link to see the academic calendars of the affiliating university and college for the last five sessions.

Academic Calendars of CSJM University, Kanpur

Academic Calendars of College                              

2. Links of College Prospectus

P.P.N. P.G. College, Kanpur, is dedicated to fostering transparency and accessibility in its admission process, and this commitment is exemplified through the comprehensive prospectus released each session. The prospectus serves as an informative guide, providing prospective students with a transparent overview of the admission procedures, criteria, and requirements. It goes beyond just administrative details, offering a detailed glimpse into the wide spectrum of courses available and introducing the distinguished faculty members who form the backbone of academic excellence at the college. By presenting a clear and concise portrayal of the admission process and showcasing the diverse academic offerings, P.P.N. P.G. College ensures that aspiring students can make informed decisions about their educational journey, reflecting the institution’s dedication to openness and integrity in its academic practices. The following are the links of prospectus of the college for the last five sessions.

      1. 2018-19
      2. 2019-20
      3. 2020-21
      4. 2021-22
      5. 2022-23

3. Commencement of classes/ Orientation of new students/ Midterm/ Half-yearly exam notices

P.P.N. P.G. College, Kanpur, takes great pride in its proactive communication practices, particularly when it comes to ensuring that students, both new and returning, are well-informed about the commencement of classes and orientation programs. The college places a paramount emphasis on transparency and accessibility of information, leveraging various communication channels to disseminate timely updates. Through official website announcements, WhatsApp groups of various classes, the college ensures that students receive clear and detailed information regarding the start of classes and orientation schedules. This commitment to transparent communication not only alleviates any uncertainties for students but also underscores the college’s dedication to fostering a supportive and well-informed academic community.                                        

The College, Kanpur, stands firmly committed to the ethos of academic excellence and student development, as evidenced by its proactive approach to continuous assessment. Recognizing the importance of gauging students’ progress throughout the academic year, the college places a strong emphasis on conducting regular mid-term or half-yearly exams. These assessments serve as valuable checkpoints, enabling both students and faculty to evaluate comprehension, identify areas for improvement, and foster a culture of continuous learning. The commitment to this structured assessment approach underscores P.P.N. P.G. College’s dedication to maintaining high academic standards and ensuring that students receive comprehensive and ongoing feedback to support their educational journey.

4. Links of Master Time Tables and departmental time tables of the college

P.P.N. P.G. College, Kanpur, stands out for its meticulous and well-organized approach to academic scheduling. The institution prides itself on creating a comprehensive master timetable that aligns seamlessly with the diverse curricula of the faculty of science, arts, commerce and management. This master timetable serves as a foundational framework, ensuring a harmonious balance between various departments, subjects, and classes.

Further showcasing the college’s commitment to academic precision, each department then tailors its specific timetable based on the master schedule. This strategic methodology not only facilitates an efficient utilization of resources but also allows for a synchronized and structured academic experience for students across various disciplines. P.P.N. P.G. College’s dedication to meticulous planning contributes to a conducive learning environment, fostering a sense of order and clarity for both students and faculty.

Time Tables

5. List of Mentors

The college takes a student-centric approach to academic support by appointing dedicated subject-wise mentors for each student. This forward-thinking initiative reflects the college’s commitment to providing personalized guidance and fostering a supportive learning environment. The information about these mentors is efficiently disseminated through WhatsApp groups, and institutional web site ensuring that every student is well-informed about their designated subject-wise mentor. These mentors play a pivotal role in assisting students with academic queries, providing valuable insights, and offering guidance on coursework. The mentors at P.P.N. P.G. College, Kanpur, consistently demonstrate their commitment to the academic success and holistic development of their mentees, contributing significantly to the overall positive learning experience within the institution. This personalized mentoring approach enhances student engagement, encourages open communication, and exemplifies the college’s dedication to nurturing a thriving educational community. The following are the links of the lists of mentors session-wise.

        1. 2018-19
        2. 2019-20
        3. 2020-21
        4. 2021-22
        5. 2022-23

6. List of ICT tools used by faculty of the college

The College stands at the forefront of modern education by integrating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools seamlessly into its teaching, learning, and assessment processes. The college recognizes the transformative potential of technology in enhancing the overall educational experience. In classrooms, faculty members utilize interactive presentations, multimedia resources, and online collaboration platforms to engage students actively in the learning process. Some of the faculty members share their lectures and content through their websites and YouTube channels.

The use of ICT tools also extends to assessments, where online platforms facilitate efficient and transparent evaluation processes. Online platforms such as google forms, testmoz and quizizz are also used for assessment process. This forward-thinking approach not only enhances the effectiveness of teaching methods but also prepares students for the dynamic digital landscape of the future. P.P.N. P.G. College’s strategic embrace of ICT tools reflects its commitment to providing a contemporary and enriching educational environment that equips students with the skills necessary for success in the modern world. For detailed information regarding use of ICT in teaching learning and assessment, please click the following link.

ICT Tools

7. Details of Faculty involved in curriculum design/ BOS/ Vocational courses design

At P.P.N. P.G. College, Kanpur, academic excellence is not just confined to the classrooms but extends to shaping the broader educational landscape. Several faculty members actively contribute to the university-level decision-making process regarding curriculum design and implementation as integral members of the Board of Studies and other important committees of the university. Their active involvement underscores the college’s commitment to fostering a curriculum that is not only robust but also in tune with evolving educational trends. These dedicated faculty members bring their wealth of experience and expertise to the table, playing a crucial role in shaping and refining the curriculum to meet the highest standards. By actively participating in university-level decision-making processes, the faculty at P.P.N. P.G. College ensures that the academic programs align with the dynamic needs of students, promoting a holistic and forward-thinking approach to education at both the college and university levels. The following is the link of some letters regarding involvement of the faculty members of the college at university level in curriculum design.  

Curriculum Design

8. Details of NLIST users

The P.P.N. P.G. College administration is dedicated to providing its faculty members with the best resources to enhance scholarly pursuits. To facilitate this commitment, the college ensures that the N-LIST (National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content) facility is readily available to the faculty. This invaluable resource offers a wide array of scholarly content, including e-books, e-journals, and databases, fostering a conducive environment for research and academic exploration. By making the N-LIST facility accessible, the college administration demonstrates its proactive approach to supporting faculty members in their scholarly endeavors, enabling them to stay abreast of the latest research, contribute to academic discourse, and ultimately enrich the overall academic environment at P.P.N. P.G. College. Please click the link for more details.


9. Details of old (Annual) and NEP syllabus of all courses running in the college

P.P.N. P.G. College, Kanpur, is committed to ensuring transparency and accessibility in its academic processes. In line with this commitment, the college makes the syllabi of all courses readily available to its students through both WhatsApp groups and the institutional website. This strategic dissemination of information allows students to easily access and refer to the course outlines, providing them with a clear understanding of the curriculum expectations, learning objectives, and assessment criteria. By leveraging both digital platforms, P.P.N. P.G. College ensures that students have convenient access to essential academic information, promoting a collaborative and informed approach to their studies. This practice reflects the institution’s dedication to fostering an environment where students can engage effectively with their coursework and take an active role in their academic journey. Please see the links below for more details.

Old Course (Annual Scheme) Syllabus Links

      1. UG1
      2. UG2
      3. UG3
      4. PG1
      5. PG2
      6. NEP syllabus

10. Lesson plans

The departments of P.P.N. P.G. College, Kanpur, exhibit a commendable commitment to effective teaching practices by diligently preparing lesson plans. Recognizing the significance of organized and well-structured lectures, each department takes the initiative to create comprehensive lesson plans. These documents serve as a roadmap for faculty members, outlining the topics to be covered, instructional strategies, and a timeline for the lectures. The planning ensures that the curriculum is covered in a timely manner, allowing for a systematic and thorough understanding of the subject matter. By emphasizing the creation of lesson plans, P.P.N. P.G. College reflects its dedication to delivering high-quality education and providing students with a structured and cohesive learning experience across various disciplines. This practice not only benefits faculty members in their teaching endeavors but also contributes to the overall academic success and satisfaction of the students. The following is the link of some sample Lesson Plans-

Lesson Plan

11. Notices regarding online classes during Covid pandemic

Amidst the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, P.P.N. P.G. College Kanpur demonstrated remarkable resilience and adaptability in maintaining the quality of education. The college’s commitment to excellence in teaching remained unwavering during these unprecedented times, reflecting its unwavering dedication to student success. Please click the link below to see some sample notices/ messages sent to the faculty members regarding online teaching during that difficult time. 
